Commercial Deer Fence
Protect your property from nuance deer? Our deer fences will keep deer and other large animals from damaging your garden, crops or property.
Commercial-Flex fence uses the highest strength deer fence available. Comprised of high-tensile, class 3 galvanized woven wire, this fence can effectively protect vineyards, orchards, and large properties without compromise.
Commercial Deer Fencing System.
Hamptons Deer Fence East Hampton, New York
Residential Deer Fence
Whether used to protect a backyard garden or a multi-acre farm, deer fencing is an effective tool to help prevent deer from damaging crops and landscapes.
Hampotns Deer Fence installs deer fencing made from polypropylene plastic. This product is a virtually invisible barrier intended to aide in preventing deer from gaining access to your yard. Strong and impact resistant, a main benefit of this nearly invisible fencing is that it does not detract from the landscape. This type of deer fencing can be hung from cables, a metal framework or strung between trees. The key to deer control is to seal the entire area as deer will wander and even traverse driveways.
Custom Garden Deer Fencing & Gates
We spend so many hours working our vegtable garden. It is an investment in time and money. Without proper fencing a few deer can devour your hard work overnight. A custom design garden fencing can safe quard your valuable work.
Protect your hard work with our Deer Protection System.
Hamptons Deer Fence Easthampton, New York
Metal or Concrete Driveway Cattle Grates
It seems clear that these grates act as a strong deer deterrent. However, there have been reports of deer learning to cross other types of deer grates (including ones that use square pipes instead of round ones, others that use reinforced concrete to place a series of cement “waves” across the driveway, and still others made with a mesh of pipes and closely spaced steel beams). Thus, as the saying goes, while these grates will clearly exclude most of the deer all of the time and all of the deer most of the time, there is no absolute guarantee that they will exclude all of the deer all of the time.
Maintaining the beauty of you Real Estate.
Hamptons Deer Fence Easthampton, New York